
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Southern to Northern California Trip

Its been a busy summer, and as we wined down from all the craziness, I am finally getting around to posting photos and information from our trip. We started out in southern California, near San Diego and enjoyed about a week in the area. We had Jared's 1st Birthday Part, which I posted about here, and I posted a ton of tutorials and "how to" for almost all the birthday items.

We enjoyed a grocery shopping trip, with a sleeping 1 year old and a wild 2 year old.

Love this ring sling.

Crazy 2 year old, helping us shop.
 I was able to squeeze in some well needed sushi dinner time with my family. I got to hangout with my nephew Jameson and let our two kiddos try all sorts of fun food. Well, Jared enjoyed drumming with everyone's chopsticks.

My sister, brother-in-law and nephew.
 I got to see some of my favorite friends, family, and kiddos.

One of my favorite Aunts! Aunt Gwen, she has loved me from day one, no questions asked!
 Grandma and Grandpa treated the kids, husband and myself to a day at the Safari Park (old wild animal park). It has been awhile since we have gone, and a lot has changed, but it was a ton of fun!

We enjoyed one last family get together, where I cuddled up with my new niece, Leila.

So adorable.
 The kids played nicely together, for awhile.

Cousins, they love each other.
We then had to say some sad goodbyes. I always hate goodbyes. They are getting harder as everyone is getting older (as in the kids, growing up too fast). I just want to enjoy every second I can with these cute kids. Once we said goodbye, we packed up and started our adventure along the coast of California.
The car is packed, and so are the boys.
 Had to make a few lunch stops, of course In N Out was a must. We even took advantage of the fun free stickers, and played with them. Jared enjoyed them more then anyone else.

Once we were back on the road, the hubby decided it was okay to give the kids chocolate. I think I am still finding chocolate in the car from this moment.  However, he enjoyed it a ton!

When my Mother and I went on a little drive to Hearst Castle a few years ago, we stopped off in Solvang, a super cute town that looks like a German or something pulled right out of Europe. It was so fun walking around in the old needle work shops, cafes, and toy stores. I love this little town, maybe when I am old and my kids are too old for me, Ill move here and open a fabric shop. Ohhhh dreams......

Family photo.

I have never been, but my in-laws said they use to come to Morro Bay all the time. I just was kind of bummed with all the fog, as they said the view is beautiful. It was a little cold too but we checked out the sights, and of course the aquarium, where you feed the seals.

My oldest feeding the big guy!

This octopus was so cool.

He would stand on his head for food, this guy knew how to get fed!

Family photo of everyone crying, lol
 Once we got back on the road, we stopped off at a little city called, Harmony, Ca; the population is 18. I mean come on, that is just so cool. We got to see the glass factory/store, and some of the window decorations were by far some of my favorites.

Mommy and baby polar bear, made entirely out of glass.

I can't remember where this is, but its suppose to be one of the highest populated Elephant Seal areas. They are sun bathing on the beach, and this area has been protected just for these guys.

The sights along the way, looking at all the cliffs, rocky beaches, treas, windy roads, and so on, by far gave me a new love and appreciation for California. I mean, I have and always will be a California girl, but now I know I always will be, and will always be drawn to this area.

This is from Big Sur, a gorgeous view.
Our last stop along the coast was the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. It was educational, hands on, and a ton of fun. The kids loved it, and I think even my husband and myself were overwhelmed with how much there was to see and do. I could have spend all day in that place. It was so much fun.

Once we made it back to Beale AFB, we did a little sight seeing in this area, and areas around us. We checked out a local food joint, with tons of beers (of course), and the food was great, but HUGE!!!

We also went to old Sacramento and stopped off at the train museum, and a few small quilt shops along the way. If you want to read about our quilt shop hop, check back here for a full run down of each shop and some photos.

Train Museum.

The greatest vacation I have taken in a long time. I thought it would be harder, but it turned out to be a lot of fun just exploring the coast. I did get a little sick along the way, but I eventually got over it. I am thankful to my in-laws for everything they did for us on this trip. Minus the one bad hotel. Other then that, the areas, places we visited, shops we went to, and Starbucks drinks we drank; they were all worth every moment and every smile.

If you ever get a chance, to just, take a week or two and drive the coast of California, I would recommend it! It will be a lifetime of memories. Beautiful, amazing, and worth it.

Sight See in Your Own Backyard,

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