
Monday, September 8, 2014

September Give Thanks, Week 1

September 1:
     Thankful for a very long, quiet nap today. I honestly needed every second of it, because of this horrible sickness.

September 2:
     Even if its 10 minutes, I am still thankful for those 10 minutes of adult time I get. I always need some adult conversation, here and there, so I don't feel like I'm going crazy!

September 3:
     Thankful that while out in public today (which is rare these days), BOTH of my kids were amazing! No tantrums, no crying, and only a 5 second upset when I took away some ribbon from Brian, who shouldn't have grabbed it in the first place. It was a great, well needed, adventure OUTSIDE the house.

September 4:
    Fruits and vegetables, oh how thankful I am today to have some FRESH fruit and veggies!! Our budget has been tight, and I have been slowly buying only what I need, but today I NEEDED an apple, so I got one! I really really am thankful for it.

September 5:
     Thankful today to have our master bedroom quilt TOP done!! Yay. Now I just need to find the money to buy batting and the back.... yeah, that might take a minute. BUT the tops done!

September 6:
     Thankful today for a small family bike ride. Its always nice to get a little workout in with a family activity. Plus I get to use my new bike.

September 7:
     Thankful for a decent dinner meal. I know it sounds silly, but when the budget is tight, you eat a lot of the same foods over and over again. Tonight, I made delicious tacos... yum, and yum!

Give Thanks,

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