
Monday, October 20, 2014

Give Thanks October, Week 2

October 8:
      I am so thankful that my wonderful kiddos let me sit in the dinning room, while they played with toys and watched a movie, so that I could finish quilting and putting the front side of the binding on a door hanger for Halloween.

October 9:
     Thankful that my wonderful husband had a few extra minutes to help me with a Halloween decoration, and get that sucker up! The kids love it, and keep saying "look mama, spider"!

October 10:
      Had a precious moment with my two boys while putting them to bed tonight. Thankful that my boys love me enough to want to lay on their bedroom floor and look at glow in the dark stars, while they fall asleep next to me. Its a great feeling.

October 11:
     Thankful that my husband was willing to watch the kids all day while I worked on school work. It was so nice to catch up to where I wanted to be in the class, but also know that my husband is a very helpful Dad.

October 12:
     Thankful that one of my new friends was kind enough to give us a cloth diaper to try, and it has been such a difference. My son seems happier, and loves all the colors and designs. Its a great feeling knowing he likes to put them on.

October 13:
     Thankful that we could get out of the house and enjoy some time walking around a few stores and our kids seemed to enjoy it too. They really only threw a fit when we had to leave the toy store. However, it was easy to distract them with the chickens running around in the parking lot.

October 14:
     Thankful that, when my oldest son stole my phone today, that he texted his Dad and not a client or someone  I just met. It made for a great laugh, and even his Dad had a nice life while at work.

Give Thanks,

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