
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Give Thanks October, Week 1

October 1:
     Thankful that today I got to meet my very first client! I am so excited to be working out of my home and with other military families. I am so thankful for this opportunity.

October 2:
     Today I am thankful for caffeine. Yep, it was a tough day that did not go anywhere near what I planned. So, thankfully I had my early morning caffeinated drink, a mid afternoon one (before appointments), and a late afternoon one (because I was so tired, I didn't even want to make dinner). Now I am enjoying some hot tea with lemon, and enjoying the fact that Friday is almost here!

October 3:
     Thankful again this Friday, that our baby sign/play date is going so well. I am starting to really enjoy each and every mom who comes. Hopefully it gets a little bigger!

October 4:
     Thankful today that I could check out a goodwill store for the first time, and find not one but TWO pieces of fabric! YAY!!

October 5:
     Today was a great day to be thankful for such an amazing group of ladies/moms. I got to be apart of a world record of baby wearing. It was a ton of fun!

October 6:
     The kids protested naps today, so I am thankful that the sky was blue and it was an awesome 80 degrees out. We had a wonderful walk to the shopette and grabbed some juices.

October 7:
     Thankful that I was able to take my youngest to see a doctor today, as we needed to get an update with everything going on with him. Its been a long few months with a horrible rash (poor guy just looks miserable and in pain all the time).

Give Thanks,

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