
Monday, September 1, 2014

Nautical Birthday Cake

This year was a long and exhausting year. With two kids and both being under 2 most of the time; I struggled to sleep and struggled to stay awake. For Jared's first birthday I had planned to make his birthday cake, and a small smash cake as well. When we finally arrived at my in-laws house, we were chatting with my Mother-in-law and she said I should just purchase the cake and that she would pay for it. I agreed with some hesitation, but after the party was over and done with, I was so happy I did. I wasn't completely tired from being up all day and night, I wasn't dealing with two kids while watching cakes bake, and I wasn't stressing over a cake meltdown or disaster.

I had made some decorations for the cake, before I decided to not make the cake. I also had redecorated a #1 candle, as I could not find anything that matched our colors or theme. I used puff paint and painted zig zags on the candle. It was super easy and only took about 2 full days to really dry.

NOTE: We did not light this candle. I do not know how the puff paint will react to fire. Please know that this candle was for decoration ONLY!

I purchased the 1/4 sheet cake with whipped frosting and a extra large cupcake for the smash cake. I then placed all the decorations on the cake (the ones I made before we even drove down to southern California).

This is the large cupcake, also with whip frosting, and I just purchased the blue candle last minute when I thought I forgot the one I made. When I didn't forget it, I just used the light blue candle for his smash cake, and we light that candle.

He had no idea how to blow out the candle but he sure was cute about the entire thing.

He wasn't to excited about smashing the cupcake, but once he got the hang of it he loved it.

A family photo of my happy birthday boy and wet brother. Best day ever.

In the end, I am so glad I made those cake decorations before we left, that way I already had something to put on it. I also was happier during the party, more relaxed because I got sleep and I wasn't stressed out. I am so glad my Mother-in-law paid for it and was nice enough to do so.

If I can help save at least one mom from doing what I did for so many parties, stressing out over all the baking, then I hope it was worth it. I know for myself, I felt like I captured so much more joy during the party, instead of being stressed out and freaked out. Remember, just because we order a cake doesn't mean we are being a bad mom, just means we wanted to have more time with our kids.

It Was A Beautiful Day,

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