
Monday, September 1, 2014

August Give Thanks, Week 5

August 29:
     Thankful to have my craft room back to functioning order, and even had a chance to work on my hexi quilt. Its so nice to get rid of tons of stuff I know I don't need, or never will use. I am thankful that I can pass those items onto someone who might actually use them.

New storage for under the cutting table (took these out of the closet).

Put both bookcases together to make it a wall of fabric.

From the door, when you walk in. Finally done and ready for me to sew in.

From the window. The room feels bigger, and flows so much better.
August 30:
     Thankful that my wonderful husband took the kids to the grocery store and let me catch a few extra minutes of sleep. I accidentally fell asleep on the couch while the boys watched a movie, and when I woke up they boys were all gone. Felt nice to get some extra sleep, since I haven't been feeling well.

August 31:
     So thankful that one of my closest friends from southern California was able to stop off at our house for the night, chit chat, and head back on the road. She was on a little trip from Oregon, and I am just so glad we could catch up and talk. I miss her so much. I look forward to seeing her hopefully soon.

Give Thanks,

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