
Monday, September 29, 2014

September Give Thanks, Week 4

September 22:
     Thankful that I get to try a new paper piecing pattern and give it a review! Its so exciting.

September 23:
     Thankful that I get to start school today. Now I get to see if age helps or doesn't help me!

September 24:
     Thankful for a wonderful group of mommys that motivated me to get out of the house with the kids and send a afternoon at the pumpkin farm! Not only was it a ton of fun, but the kids passed out as soon as I put them in their car seats. It was a great adventure.

Tandem wearing for the first time. The boys loved it!

My oldest enjoyed the petting zoo area. It was a lot of fun.

September 25:
     We all need a little help every once in awhile, we all need someone to talk to, and we should always seek help when we know something isn't quite right. I am thankful that today I took just 30 minutes to talk with someone (not related and doesn't know me) and it really helped open my mind to so many fresh, clean, beautiful thoughts. I am a mom and I don't often take any time for me, so today was nice. 30 minutes may not seem like a lot, but it was probably the nicest 30 minutes I have had in weeks!

September 26:
     Thankful for such amazing group of growing friends! I am so happy that I can meet such wonderful moms here in California. Its always hard to find/meet friends, so when we do, its just a wonderful thing!

September 27:
     I am so thankful that I have time in my life to enjoy such a hobby as quilting. I find new and creative quilts to try and for the years that I have been doing it, I am still discovering new quilts to try! Its such a great hobby!

September 28:
     I just love a fun day at the park with my husband and kids, it really reminds me how thankful I am to have them in my life.

Give Thanks,

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