
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Quilt Inspiration 365

Have you ever been in a hurry to get a project from start to finish because you need to make one for a party, birthday, gift, or something else? I know I have. I have sat in front of my hoarding collection of fabric, looked through old quilt magazines and books, and I have even gone to quilt shops in the area to see if I get inspired by any of the local fabric or quilts/wall art. Most of the time I find fabric, patterns, or ideas but never for a quick project when I need it. Always for the OTHER long term projects. I usually waist a day or two doing all the above, and then spend the third day hunting for pictures or items on pinterest to get inspiration.

With some luck, or just a gut feeling I eventually find something that jumps out at me, and bam I have inspiration and hopefully an idea.

This month I wanted (and needed) a door quilt/hanger for the front door at my house. I currently have a 4th of July hanger on the door, and well its well past that date. (Check out how I made it over here). I wanted a end of summer/school/fall/autumn feel to the hanger; I just had no ideas in my head. I was blank. When I say blank I mean NOTHING! I had no inspiration. I obviously have procrastinated on it for weeks and still had no idea or inspiration on what I wanted to do.

I went to Joanns for some fabric one day and walked in to all the Autumn items in the front. I looked around and saw the cutest little scarecrows just sitting there on the shelf. A boy and girl scarecrow.

I just fell in love with them instantly. I had to remind myself I was not there for decorations and to stay focused. The next time I went to Joanns, I looked again, and sadly did not see them anywhere. (They did go on sale, so it was possible they sold out.) I looked online and saw the photos (above) and was thinking, "Thats it, those are so my inspiration!"

Kona Shale, Kona Lipstick, Kona School Bus, Kona Corn Yellow, Kona Bonsai, and Kona Gold
Kona Spice, Kona Steel, Kona Bonsai, Kona Citrus, Kona Yarrow, Kona Tangerine
 Once I had the colors and an idea of what I wanted to do I printed the color pallets out, and an image of what I wanted to use. The image is there to help visually see what pieces of fabric, and how I wanted to cut them out.

I then grabbed a handful of different colored fabric, trying to match as close to the pallet colors as I could.

I then began to use the different fabrics I chose to create a field where the scarecrows would stand.

I then pieced together the male and female scarecrow. Which I was so happy with when I was done. They still need faces and some patches on their clothing, but as of right now I am so happy with how they came out.

Here are some close ups of the scarecrows:

I then added the word "Welcome," as this will be hanging on my front door. I will hopefully be able to hand sew the faces and patches on soon, and then finish this door hanger up.

I can not wait to hang it on my door and see a design come to life. I just am so glad I went into that Joanns, and was able to find them online for visual help!

For more Quilt inspiration, check out the other ladies:



Laura :

Jennifer :

Brenna :

Cheryl :


Cathy :

Sarah :

Be sure to come back and visit here, as I update and post new tutorials, DIY projects, and show you how to make tons of fun projects and quilts.

Find Your Inspiration,

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