
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Quilt Inspiration 365

This week I found inspiration in the most unique place ever. My husband needed to find a part for his bike, yes, his bike. We have been hitting up all the local shops. We checked Vans Bicycle Center in Yuba, Ca; sadly they did not have the parts or the tools. We then checked The Hub in Roseville, Ca; and what do you know, they have the tools and my husband can bring them the parts they need.

Ok, so what does this have to do with quilting... I know, I know. While my husband was chatting up all the staff members I was looking at all the bikes. I then saw the latest Trek bike, from Katie Compton. The colors were amazing, bold, complimented each other, and of course all I could think was: "this would be a perfect color scheme for a quilt!!!"

Kona Camellia, Kona Copen, Kona Coal, Kona Charcoal, Kona Cactus, and Kona Wasabi.

I mean, come on; how do you not love those colors?

So a few ideas:

block 1

 block 2

block 1 and block 2
Even Just doing a 5 inch block in all the colors would be amazing. This definitely is making me feel extremely inspired, and I'm thinking I should get back to those pillow shams sitting on my quilting desk!

With that being said, I hope you all feel that Quilt Inspiration 365,

1 comment:

  1. You're right, that is a lovely palette. I especially like the third design. It reminds me of spinning bicycle wheels so is especially appropriate for the bike colors. :)


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