
Friday, August 15, 2014

August Give Thanks, Week 2

August 8:
     Thankful for wonderful neighbors who will come over and ask if we want to hangout, have dinner with them, and also who care and are genuinely wonderful kind caring friends.

August 9:
     Thankful for quick easy simple microwave/oven meals that all you do is punch in a number and bam, its ready! I can not tell you how much I did not want to cook tonight.

August 10:
     I am by far and forever thankful for my wonderful husband and kids. It was a wonderful day of family time and a little shopping as well, but the memories we are making will hopefully last a life time.

August 11:
     Thankful for my husband spoiling me with starbucks coffee! He is the best, and really knows how to make a bad day better with starbucks. He is such a keeper.

August 12:
     Today I am so thankful for adult conversation. You do not understand how nice it is to talk to another adult about absolutely nothing and everything; instead of a 2 year old and 1 year old! Best day ever.

August 13:
     Today I am thankful for my Mother in law. She has been an amazing MIL to me, and a wonderful grandma to my kids. I really lucked out when I married my husband. Happy Birthday Corinne!

August 14:
     Thankful for all my wonderful friends and family who helped lift my spirits today. I appreciated every single one.

Give Thanks,

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