
Friday, July 11, 2014

June Give Thanks, Week 4

June 22:
     Thankful for that moment when you try to shut your mind off, but it just keeps going and you remember stuff for the up coming trip and remember the stuff you need to do and pack. Yep, so glad I had a moment to write those down and hopefully wont forget them now.

June 23:
     Thankful for all the cleaning we got done today. It really does make the kitchen feel like new when the floor is shinning, and the living room carpet is spotless (no literally its spot less; like has no more dirty spots.) Its a beautiful clean feeling home again!

June 24:
     Thankful for getting most of the packing and the rest of the cleaning done! Its almost that time to head to southern California, and I am so ready!!!

June 25:
     Its been an amazing year. After 9 very long months, a rough pregnancy, contractions almost ever week, gestational diabetes, an active baby in my belly, and a day long induction; Jared E. Pitcher joined us a year ago today! I am so thankful for the amazing year he has blessed us with and I just can not wait to see what this next year will have in store. I love you little man!

June 26:
     Thankful today, to have met and cuddled with my new niece, Leila! She is so tiny and adorable. I just love cuddles and baby time!!!

June 27:
     I love sushi, and I always love getting out and hanging out with my crazy, fun, wild, loving family. Thankful for a chance to have sushi dinner with my family and really get to spend some quality time with baby nephew Jameson!!!! That little guy just steals my heart.

June 28:
     Thankful for the most amazing, fun, perfect, and simple 1st Birthday Party for Jared!!!

Give Thanks,

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