
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July Give Thanks, Week 3

July 15:
     Thankful to have a block swapping group to be apart of! I have always wanted to block swap (for quilting) with someone or a group. I did one in Okinawa, when we were stationed there, and loved it! Now I am excited to try some new techniques!!!

July 16:
     I am thankful for my quilting/sewing room. Somedays its my only escape from reality.

July 17:
     My little man is picking up on so many new signs. I am so thankful and happy he is enjoying signing, because it sure does make it a lot easier to understand what he wants.

July 18:
     Thankful for 12 straight hours of sleep. I needed that!

July 19:
     Today is my older sisters birthday, and I am thankful for her and everything she has done for me. We have never been as close as we are now, and I am so lucky to have her as my amazing, supportive, and wonderful sister. Happy Birthday Rach!

July 20:
     Finished up all the minor details on the ring sling, and am so thankful its working out great for us. Jared is loving it, and so am I!

July 21:
     Finally, I got some block swap blocks laid out. Thankful that I had enough energy and will power to stay up later to get a few set up and on my design wall.

Give Thanks,

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