
Saturday, June 21, 2014

June Give Thanks, Week 2

June 8:
     Today I am extremely thankful for my amazing husband and wonderful kids, as well as my amazing friends and family. Its my birthday, and I have been spoiled beyond being spoiled! I got new running shoes (well over due, my old shoes were about 5 years old), I got fabric for our master bedroom, my in-laws sent me a gift card and a fabric piece, and lastly I went out to dinner with my husband and two kiddos at a sushi restaurant! SPOILED!!! It was one of the best birthdays, I loved every second of it!

New shoes!!


My little man and I before dinner!

June 9:
     Its been crazy to see how many friends and family members have birthdays this week alone. June is a great month and I am just so blessed and thankful to have such amazing people around me, not only that but Happy Birthday to Matt, my brother-in-law.

June 10:
     So thankful for my oldest son, as he went PEE PEE on the POTTY!!! YAY! Now, it's a lot of asking and questioning about pee or poop, fun fun!

June 11:
     Today I am seriously thankful for the change in my purse! I was able to enjoy a little starbucks because of all the change I carry around (not to mention I needed to drive around because Jared wouldn't nap...) but anyways, still thankful for all the extra quarters, dimes, and nickles! Hey, a mom needs her coffee fix, don't judge me!

June 12:
     Thankful beyond thankful for how great my husband and I are doing on our "budget". Its been tough and extremely challenging, but today we spent HALF of what we usually spend on groceries, yay! Go us!

June 13:
     I am in love with the millions of cuddles my youngest son gives me. Especially today, I am so thankful for each and every one of them. We can never forget these small very mini moments. These are the moments I want to remember forever.

June 14:
     Its a simple moment in each and every day, the moment you wake up to a bright and sunny new day. I am thankful for each and every wonderful day that I wake up and am lucky enough to spend it with my family and friends.

Give Thanks,

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