
Sunday, May 25, 2014

May Give Thanks, Week 3

May 15:
     Lots of cuddles from my kids today. Not sure if its growing, teeth, or just simply the day but thankful for all the wonderful cuddles!

May 16:
     Thankful its Friday! Yeah, I am just glad the week is over so we can have a family weekend. I love spending time together as a family, its the best. Yay for Friday!

May 17:
     My niece has arrived. Thankful for another beautiful baby girl to spoil. Leila Pitcher was born today and was a small 7lb 15oz baby. Can't wait to meet her.

May 18:
     Today I am thankful for a little sewing time to be able to finish up Jareds bib and shirt for his first birthday. Heres a little sneak peek:

May 19:
      Kind of sad but thankful I finished such an amazing series of books. I finished the Divergent series today and it was amazing. I am enjoying getting back into reading a little here and there (between my sewing projects.)

May 20:
      So happy and very thankful to have this project done. It will always be a work in progress and probably always will be. However, the boys are loving it and playing with it a ton.

May 21:
      My kiddos went to sleep in two different beds for nap time. I heard some laughing and went to get them from their beds, and found them in one bed. I am thankful they love each other this much, but im not sure the crib is big enough. They seemed happy though, so I guess im not complaining.

Give Thanks,

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