
Sunday, May 11, 2014

May Give Thanks, Week 1

May 1:
     Thankful for all the "new" things my little guy has done today. He clapped for the first time, took several steps in a row on his own, and even walked from the couch to the coffee table on his own. He is just picking up on everything these days. Even when we say something to him, like "Say, Hi Dada" he will mimic it so well! Its the best feeling ever.

May 2:
     Thankful that I was able to sit down and prep all the blocks for the next section of the Halloween quilt. The prepping on the freezer paper takes a lot of time (probably because I am OCD), but I finished all of it for the next section! Its nice to have that time where absolutely no little hands are grabbing at everything you are doing. Happy dance!

May 3:
     My oldest son tried his hand at painting for the first time today. I am thankful that he enjoyed it a ton (even threw a fit when he had to stop for dinner), thankful he didn't eat any of the paint, and lastly I am thankful for such beautiful artwork now hanging on my fridge! Best way to keep a kid busy for an hour.

May 4:
     For awhile, after the holidays, my mother and I kind of got into a routine of calling each other whenever we could find the time, and just take a moment to catch up. She often called on her way home once a week, and if I missed her call I would try calling sometimes on the weekend while I had a hubby to help keep the kids out of my hair. Today, I called my mother and we were able to chat for some time, so thankful for such a wonderful mother, and as I get older I realize how much it calms me to have someone to chit chat about life with. Its a beautiful thing, that as we age we grow closer to those we often pushed away while we were kids. Love you Mother Elizabeth!

May 5:
     Working on little projects here and there for my sons 1st birthday next month. Thankful today I was able to finish up cutting some of the pages for the banner. I am excited to see this party come together, but at the same time its too soon.

May 6:
     Thankful for an hour or two, during the boys nap, to put one coat of orange paint on the boys stove/oven unit. I can't wait to finish it up.

May 7:
     Today is a hard day to find something to be thankful for, but after a long day in an ER for my oldest son, I am thankful for all the family and friends who have supported us.

Give Thanks,

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