
Friday, April 25, 2014

April Giving Thanks, Week 3

April 15:
     Having my mother here with us, shopping, and talking, and everything normal that the rest of the world does; thats what I am so thankful for and very much so enjoying. Love my MOM!

April 16:
     The yearly photos with the Easter Bunny, oh how I LOVE this part of being a parent! Thankful for these moments of "torture" (for the kids in one way or another), and the yearly picture of development/growth for us, and future reference (for all those girlfriends and future wife). Yes, I am giggling at this moment.....

April 17:
     Another fun filled day with family and friends all at the Jelly Belly Factory! A tour, another Easter Bunny photo and lots of candy; what a blessed day to be thankful for.

April 18:
     My mother has left, and my eyes are full of tears, and the boys seem just as sad. However, in all of this we were in the car running an errand and my oldest started making a funny noise. I look back at him and asked him who taught him, but he wouldn't say.... ill let you in on the true answer, it was my mother! Thankful, that even when she isn't with us, the boys still are influenced by her. My heart is heavy, but I am still smiling.

April 19:
     Brian had his first ever Easter Egg hunt! I am so thankful that he caught on, and LOVED it!!! His face was full of excitement and joy. I just wish I had taken a video of him!

April 20:
     Jared's first Easter. I am thankful that we could celebrate together, as a family, and attempt to enjoy every second of today.

April 21:
     Spent the morning in urgent care. Yeah, not really a lot to be thankful for, since the boys and I are all diagnosed with Strep Throat. The boys are miserable, I am miserable, and thats where our Prince on a white horse shows up. The hubby to the rescue!! Thankful that he had a short day at work, was able to come home, let me nap while the kids napped, made dinner, helped get the kids to bed, and then sent me off to enjoy a hot bath.... oh so thankful today.... sooooo thankful!

Give Thanks,

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