
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April Giving Thanks, Week 1

April 1:
     Pulling a pair of jeans on an realizing you can button them for the first time in six, yes, SIX years! Now that, is something AMAZING to be thankful for. A pair of jeans; I can not believe actually fit me. Don't believe me here you go:

April 2:
     After hours and hours of running errands, being at the Dr.s office, cleaning the house, unloading groceries, and screaming/crying children; it feels amazing and melts my heart to see my two kids watch frozen (calmly) and be so kind and loving towards each other. I am thankful for just that.

April 3:
     I am thankful for my few minutes (ok maybe it was a few hours) of being able to sew a quilt and feel so much joy, knowing the baby who will be wrapped up in it!

April 4:
     Thankful for a great doctor visit, for Jared, and everything is well. Feels great.

April 5:
      Family day at the zoo, and enjoyed every second of it. Thankful for such a wonderful day together, and could not have asked for a better day.

April 6:
     Thankful today for the hour or so that we got with our neighbors, just hanging out and letting the kids run around. Felt great. I think I needed that mommy/adult chit chat.

April 7:
     Seeing a doctor to make sure everything is OK! Thankful for the health care right here on base and "free" to us. Its nice to know I am feeling taken care of.

Give Thanks,

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