
Saturday, March 29, 2014

March Giving Thanks, Week 4

March 22:
     Thankful for new chairs. We really needed them! Its sometimes the small things.

March 23:
     Peace and quiet, alone time; that's what I am VERY grateful and thankful for today. A break from the world to think and be happy inside and out.

March 24:
     Thankful for my husband finally being able to get his wisdom teeth out. The pain is a bummer, and a hate seeing him feel so miserable but hopefully in a week or two when he is back to normal he can smile and know he wont have anymore tooth pain because of those dang teeth!

March 25:
     My little baby is getting so big so fast. We purchased his big boy seat today. I am thankful for his big boy seat, and the feeling of him being safe, but its all very emotional for me as well. He sure does love to look out the window though!

March 26:
     Thankful for a special night with my oldest son and husband as we watched Frozen for the first time. Wonderful way to end the day.

March 27:
     I am so proud and excited and overly thankful for my oldest son eating ALL of his lunch! Its an awesome feeling when we all sit down for lunch and all I hear him say is; "Yum! Mmmmm. So good Mama." When he finished the last bite I was so excited for him, and we high-fived and I made a HUGE deal out of it! Lets just say he has never once cleared his plate.

March 28:
     I have sewed, I have done some spring cleaning, I have enjoyed a movie night, and I have finished the book I was reading (and started another). I am so thankful for all these small moments of personal achievements or personal time, etc. It has been a great week and I can only look forward to this weekend!

Give Thanks,

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