
Sunday, March 9, 2014

March Giving Thanks, Week 1

March 1:
     I am thankful today for the safety of my sister and her soon to be born son. She is at the hospital, earlier then her due date, by about 3 weeks. I am excited and have been checking my phone non stop.

March 2:
     Starting to finally catch what the boys had, and I was feeling pretty sick this weekend. I am so thankful to my husband who stepped up and took care of the kids as much as he could, to let me get an extra hour or so of sleep!

March 3:
     Today I am thankful for the birth of my nephew! He has arrived. He was only 5.12lbs and 17in long.

March 4:
     Spent the afternoon out shopping with just the two kiddos. I am so thankful they both behaved so well, and everyone was saying how well they were behaved. Felt great to be out for more then 5 hours and know my kids are being calm and polite!

March 5:
     Thankful for the weather holding out until late today so the kids and I could get in a 45 minute walk. I think we all needed it.

March 6:
     Today I am thankful for my weight loss, it keeps on going. Some weeks are slower then others, but my new total of loss this week is -22.6 pounds!

current weight

starting weight

March 7:
    Thankful today for the small blessings in our life; such things like, going to Toys R Us and getting excited about picking out toys for the kids. I think my husband and I are enjoying some of these toys more then the kids are.

Trains are all the rage in our house, and are also kind of fun for adults too!
 Give Thanks,

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