
Saturday, March 1, 2014

February Giving Thanks, Week 4

February 22:
     I am so thankful for the family and friends that did show up to my big boys 2nd Birthday party today! I have been working a ton for this party am so glad that at least some of our friends and family came! Brian had an awesome time, and he always loves to see his friends and cousin!

Birthday boy enjoying the pinata!

I always enjoy making the cake and cupcakes, decorating is one of my favorite things to do for the parties.
February 23:
     Today was the best day in a very very long day! I am so thankful for a mommy and daddy kid free day, at..... wait for it..... DISNEYLAND!!! It was the BEST day ever. I think my husband and I really needed it! A thank you goes out to my mother-in-law and father-in-law for taking the kiddos for the entire day.

A drink or two for us!

Yep, thats a tower of terror selfie being done!

February 24:
     I am thankful for a husband who is willing to get up with our kids, while I am passed out and hungover from a long day of drinking and having fun at Disneyland. My knee and leg is killing me today, so I am thankful for a husband who is just up and ready to go! Thank you honey!!

February 25:
     My little guy turns the big 8 months old today. It's an amazing experience to reflect on, having a child. Today, I am thankful for just that, to be able to create a human being with my very own body. It's an amazing experience, but a challenging one as well!

February 26:
     We are back home, in Northern California, from our vacation in Southern California. I am so thankful for each and every chance we get to go down there and see everyone. It's always thousands of new and wonderful memories.
Passed out on our drive back home.

Sleeping like a baby, oh wait he is one!
February 27:
      Its amazing how far my husband and mine relationship has come. We literally can discuss, talk, and agree (or agree to disagree), all without getting angry, loud, or aggressive. I am thankful that our relationship has become something that we work on, learn to grow, and always kiss each other with love. Its the best feeling ever!

February 28:
     Today, my husband is taking his test (to rank up), and I really hope he does well. I am so thankful he has this opportunity, and will hopefully (crossing my fingers, and knocking on wood), that he makes it. Good Luck Love!! 

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