
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February Giving Thanks, Week 2

February 8:
     Thankful for the awesome family who wants to baby sit and let me have some free time (without kids) to get stuff done. Its be a very long time that I have had this much time away from the kids.

Hanging out with grandpa!
February 9:
     Shopping with my mother and sister, alone, absolutely no kids to be found, soooo thankful for days like this!

February 10:
     Being able to watch my two little boys play with their cousin and enjoy every moment of it (ok most of it, after the battle of the toys), is always a beautiful thing, and its what I am thankful for today.

February 11:
     Jumping back into making cake items and decorating, that is the best feeling ever, and what I am thankful for today.

February 12:
     So thankful for catching my son pulling himself up and walking with a walking toy all on video. Best moments ever.

February 13:
     Today, I am thankful for the 80 degree weather that we are all enjoying here in southern California! Its awesome to enjoy this kind of weather in February.

February 14:
      Today is the day we all celebrate our relationships, and thats what I am thankful for. I am thankful for the family and friends and all the loving and caring people in my life. I also want to say Happy Valentines Day to my husband and kiddos! Love you guys!

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