
Monday, January 27, 2014

NEW Boys Bedroom!!

Well, the boys had an amazingly cute and adorable bedroom back in New Mexico, but we are here in California now and so its time I finish their room, right? I mean we have only been here 4 months or so! This past weekend the husband and I, with crazy kids under our feet, were finally able to get the boys names up on the wall, and I was able to get the wall decals up. I finished the room... for now.

These are the BEFORE photos:

This is where Brians bed is now.

Dresser/closet area.

This is where Jareds bed is now.
Work in progress.

Work in progress.

Work in progress.
 Here are the updated photos:

Thats sort of from floor to ceiling.

Ok thats a horrible floor to ceiling on the other side of the room. Sorry its not the best photos.

Heres some up close shots.

Best part about this entire room, the wall decals GLOW IN THE DARK!!!! Isn't that awesome! My son for the past two nights, "Mama, lights, lights, look all de lights". Lights, as in glowing stars, spaceships, monsters and planets. This room is so cool, even I want to sleep in it!

Now remember I made the crib sheets from twin bed sets, and the curtain from the flat sheet. The teether rails are still intact and in use, and everything is just perfect!

Here is where you can see the old room, and some of the details on how I made the items. This house is brand new and we were told we couldn't paint for the first year, but honestly I just don't think either myself or my husband want to waste the money or time right now. With both boys, we just have so much other stuff going on! Anyways, I will be working on a few other tutorials coming up soon, so keep an eye for those.

Thanks for visiting, and be sure to leave a comment below.

Monsters, grrr

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