
Monday, May 6, 2013


Taggy. What the heck are they? Simple, babies love to chomp down and chew on tags that are on blankets, toys, bibs, and so on. Really anything! So, someone out there in the world came up with the idea of taking ribbon and placing a ton of them inside two pieces of fabric and called it a taggy! Well, in my world taggys have been the hot thing. I have made several for friends lately and even a few for my little ones! Taggys are very simple to do, if you want a basic shape, but they can get complicated if you start making them into other shapes.

With that being said, a great tutorial I found for a simple square to get you started can be found here, as I didn't make mine... seeing as how there are sooooo many already out there!

If you follow the same concept when you are making other shapes and sizes, you pretty much can make any type of taggy! Heres a few that I have done recently:

Simple square with flannel on one side and mink on the other.

This is a football themed one, i used fleece and cotton. I also made 2 different sized ones.
This is a curved one with mink and flannel, for a lovely baby girl!

Again, a curved one, made of two flannels. Kept this one neutral as they do not know the sex of the baby yet.
This one was flannel on both side, and its meant to be a giraffe!
This is the other side of the giraffe taggy.

I loved this one, and it was hard to give it up. An elephant taggy for a baby boy.

The other side of the elephant taggy.

Lastly, one I made for the newest addition; arriving June 2013. A letter taggy.

So, there you have a few examples of what you can do with your taggys! I did not use a pattern for any of them. I simply used a ruler, or just marked the shape, and for the animals; I simply found an image that worked, cut it out and went from their!

Please let me know if you would want a tutorial on any of these, as I am more then willing to make one. Theres so many of them out there, but I know I never use a pattern so I can't always be sure you will find one!

Now go make a taggy,

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