
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Another Small Project for Baby #2

I was hungry to sew something for the baby, as its been a few weeks since I made him something! So, I checked my pinterest and sure enough I found a project I could knock out in a day or two! This carseat blanket is a great idea. Not only does it act like a swaddle, but you can still buckle your little one into the carseat and keep him warm at the same time!

This project was an easy one day project. I had 2 yards of some cotton striped fabric, and 2 yards of some navy flannel on hand in my pile of fabric.

I simply followed the tutorial by cutting my 2 yards at the 41inches, but because I was not going to do a binding around the edge like she did, I added an inch. So, instead I cut my fabric at 42 inches.

I followed the next several steps, by folding cutting it at the 17 inches and 25. The curve was a little challenge, but in the end you can alter it as you sew.

Now this is where I kind of changed it up a little. I put the two wrong sides together, and serged around the edge. I left a hole and flipped the entire blanket inside out. Then I ironed the entire thing to keep it flat and also to press my seam.

The next step (not in her tutorial) was to top stitch around the edge of the blanket, this also gives me the chance to close the hole without any hand stitching!

Alright now back to her tutorial. She has the exact same carseat as I do, so the measurements were all the same. I cut all three holes, and put binding on the holes. Now the binding for some reason, gave me the most trouble. I got it done, but my blanket stitch just doesn't look that great. I kind of wanted to rip it apart and start over, but I realized no matter which side of the blanket I have facing up, my little guy will be hiding all those holes!

Once the binding is on the holes, your done!

Heres the blanket open and ready for baby!

All folded up and keeping baby warm (when he gets here).
Now the original tutorial calls for 2 flannels, I decided one cotton and one flannel. I did this to give me a choice. So, if its kind of cold, I can use the cotton side, where it will breath a little and he wont be overly hot. The other side is the flannel and would be used when it is colder out. I like the idea of keeping it light weight as well because we are moving to California here soon. If I was staying in New Mexico I probably would have made both sides flannel, or added one side with fleece!

I think sometimes when you see something on pinterest you tend to stick to exactly what is on the tutorial; however, I love to change it up and add or take away from what they have done. I prefer to re-work it for myself so it works better for my life style!

With that being said, I hope you all enjoy this twist on the carseat blanket tutorial!


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