
Sunday, January 27, 2013

A New Idea

Hello Everyone,
I figured that making a fun family blog would be a great way for everyone to keep up with our busy lifestyle. Being military and having a child (+ one on the way) keeps me busy, but I thought this would be a fun way for me to share all our adventures and even my little adventures in sewing, cake decorating, and anything else I get my hands in too.

I would like to just say I can not believe its the end of January already! Where has the month gone? Have any of you set a new years resolution? Mine is simple, have this baby, and get back to pre-baby weight (before I had B) before the end of the year. Thats only 337 days to get fit again (well kind of). My other New Years resolution was to start this blog, and get all my crafting ideas out there for everyone to see. I sometimes wonder if anyone wants to know how I did certain things, or if they want to see a tutorial for some of them. Well, heres your chance! Now if you all like something I make you can ask questions, and I can possibly make tutorials on them! 

Well, if you dont know me and you are just a random follower then i'll give you a little background about my family and myself. I married my high school sweet heart 5 years ago, and have been with him for 10 years now. We have one son and a small one baking right now! My husband joined the military around the same time we got married. We lived in Okinawa, Japan for several years, and enjoyed every second of our time there. I started my Pitcher's Bakery while out there, and learned so much about sewing as well. I am a self taught cake decorator as well as a self taught sewer! I do some scrapbooking, but not as much anymore as everything is so digital these days! We are now stationed back in the states in New Mexico at Cannon AFB in Clovis and it is a real adjustment from where we were. While in Clovis (about 6 months now) I have been self teaching myself even more sewing skills with the use of the internet. I have really enjoyed all the amazing new sewing adventures I have taken on and can not wait for my next project. 

I hope you all enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy posting in it. I will aim for at least 4 posts a month, but with a new one o the way, I might slow down when we get closer to my due date! 

Happy adventures and keep an eye out for a new post soon!

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